Niching: Leading to Happier Clients

A PR Agency Increases Revenue By 70% In Just 90 Days


This PR Agency thought they could rake in more clients and increase their revenue by branching out.

This ended up hurting the agency instead.

It led to a reduction in client engagement and the agency started losing their clients. Here’s how they increased their revenue by $1,000,000 in just 90 days - by doing less work.

Their Goals

The agency wanted to increase their revenue and improve their service delivery.

The Challenge

The agency had 4 key challenges:

  1. They had stopped growing
  2. They were struggling to get new clients. 
  3. Once they diversified, their team didn’t have a lot of expertise delivering on the new services. Which meant the owners had to do a lot of the work themselves. 
  4. They were losing clients hand over fist.

Their Goals

The agency wanted to increase their revenue and improve their service delivery.

Our Solution

We helped them niche down their service and further focus the industry so they became more specialized, and highly sought after. This resulted in freeing up the owners time and capacity because employees could do their work with minimal supervision.

The Result

With these few changes, dramatic results were seen in just 90 days:

  1. They increased their revenue by $1 million dollars - a staggering 70% rise. 
  2. The agency could now charge a minimum retainer fee of $10,000 (with some clients even paying more). 
  3. Clients became much happier and more satisfied. 
  4. They stopped bleeding clients, too.

The agency owners also reduced their work by over half, too! And the agency has become much more independent.





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