Doubling Down on Expertise:

How One Social Media Agency Achieved Explosive Growth

Have you been tempted to settle for less- than stellar client contracts (despite your better judgment)?

As a creative agency owner, you know how tempting it can be to take on any client that comes your way, just to float your bank account. 

But how do you escape the vicious cycle of entertaining low-quality clients that don't appreciate your expertise or pay what you're worth?

That was the situation this social media agency faced. They had grown the agency to a 7-figure operation targeting luxury clients, but just couldn’t seem to take things to the next level.  

That’s where we came in… 

By helping them upgrade their sales strategy and realigning their mindset, they were able to 5X their business in just three years. 

Their Goals

This social media agency was itching to overcome their profit plateau and yield exponential growth (without having to take on extra client work). They were struggling to acquire higher-quality clients that would appreciate their unique expertise and pay them what they were worth.

To make this goal reality, they knew they needed to position themselves differently with their clients. Their deliverable strategy was too scattered and wasn’t easily replicable -  preventing them from developing stronger relationships with their clients and streamlining their processes. 

They needed to gain the confidence to step into the advisor role with their clients in order to be seen as a valuable partner (not just an outsourced workhorse). 

The Challenge

When we first met with this agency, they just couldn’t climb over that 7-figure revenue mark. They had started to struggle with standing out in their industry, and couldn’t seem to build long-lasting relationships that generated recurring revenue. 

Their clients were viewing them as a tactical (not strategic) partner, which was starting to affect the longevity and profitability of their contracts. This agency wasn’t communicating the long-term value they could bring to the table, as they had not yet focused on a specific industry or specialized their services. This was making it difficult to communicate their strategic value to their clients.

Not only that, but their current processes were not setting them up to support a longer lifetime relationship with their clients (or attract the dream clients they REALLY wanted). 

It was time for a change.

Their Goals

This social media agency was itching to overcome their profit plateau and yield exponential growth (without having to take on extra client work). They were struggling to acquire higher-quality clients that would appreciate their unique expertise and pay them what they were worth.

To make this goal reality, they knew they needed to position themselves differently with their clients. Their deliverable strategy was too scattered and wasn’t easily replicable -  preventing them from developing stronger relationships with their clients and streamlining their processes. 

They needed to gain the confidence to step into the advisor role with their clients in order to be seen as a valuable partner (not just an outsourced workhorse). 

Our Solution

To help the agency achieve its goals, we focused on two areas: 

First, we revamped their sales strategy. In order to transition their agency from being viewed by their clients as a one-dimensional tactical partner into a strategic one, we implemented a sales framework that put them in the driver seat right from the start. They dialed into their niche so they could expertly take control of the client relationship - right from the initial sales call. 

This meant redefining this agency's value proposition, and highlighting their expertise working with luxury brands and delivering results that exceed client expectations. This shift in focus allowed them to showcase their expertise to the RIGHT clients, and establish themselves as the go-to agency for luxury brands.

Next, we helped this agency expand their business relationships with larger partners by increasing their presence with enterprise-sized clients. This not only drove referrals from creditable players in the industry but also allowed the agency to have a more powerful impact on their current clients' social media presence.

Together, this gave them a competitive edge so they could stand out in the crowded social media agency market.

The Result

By implementing our tailored solution, this (now luxury) social media agency was able to break through their revenue plateau. By doubling down on their industry expertise and focus, they regained control of their client relationships. 

Not only did this shift in mindset ease a lot of stress, it paid off - literally. With our help, they were able to acquire more better-quality clients, resulting in a 5X increase in revenue within just three years.

By improving the dynamic of their client relationships and positioning themselves as a valuable partner, this opened the floodgates of new, quality referrals and a growing reputation within the industry. Finally - no more scouring for sub-par sales.

By aligning their sales strategy with their goals, this luxury social media agency was able to achieve the growth and success they had been dreaming of. By prioritizing industry expertise, being a strategic partner, and expanding their offerings to enterprise-sized clients, they were able to elevate their brand and become a go-to resource for their clients.





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